Insanmlingsstiftelse Nemam Ghafouris Minnesfond is a charitable foundation registered according to Swedish law and subject to the oversight of the Stockholm County Board. We have no political or religious affiliation.
The Foundation is governed by its regulations and founding charter.
Board of Trustees
Adam Bott
Adam Bott was first recruited by Dr Nemam to work as a volunteer teacher for displaced people in Kurdistan in 2016, and served from 2018 as Deputy Chair and Director of Education at JHK. Adam was born in London and lives in Stockholm. He has studied at the universities of Cambridge and Uppsala. He is currently Education Coordinator at ALEF, Adult Learning and Empowerment Facilitators.
Nazdar Ghafouri
Nazdar Ghafouri was raised as a refugee in several different countries before coming to Sweden with her family. She is Nemam’s sister and often worked with her as a volunteer. Nazdar was a founding member of JHK and serves as a member of the board. She holds a PhD and works as a Senior Physician in rehabilitation medicine
Lena Insulander
Lena has been actively involved in Kurdistan and Kurdish issues since 2008 when she worked for Ster Group in Erbil. She is also vice -president in ALEF Adult Literacy and Empowerment Coordinators, and was the initiator of JHK's literacy project using ALEF's method. Now retired, Lena holds an MSc in electrical technology and has had a long international career. She has also studied Human Rights at University College Stockholm.
Shilan Rashid
Shilan Rashid, Dr Nemam’s elder sister and close friend, is a founding board member. She studied social sciences and medical technology at KTH (Royal technical College, Stockholm) and has extensive experience managing refugee and elderly care in the public sector. By participating in the foundation board Shilan aims to keep Nemam’s work and spirit alive.